Dive In

Easy Dive

Enter the Inductive Waters the Easy Way

New to the inductive method of Bible study & wanting to take an easy dive? Here are 3 Bible studies that ask questions about the text using the 3 main areas: Observation, Interpretation & Application. They are from a series written by Irving L. Jensen called Do-It-Yourself Bible Studies, originally published by Here’s Life Publishers, the former publishing arm of Campus Crusade for Christ. One Bible study each in Psalms, Luke, and 1 Corinthians.


Deep Dive

Go Deeper to Chart Your Bible Study

Are you tired of Bible study books with fill-in-the-blank questions?

Or perhaps you study inductively & you’re ready for a new twist using inductive tools . . .

It’s time you learned to CHART your Bible study!


Undersea Exploring

Our special area with advanced resources such as virtual Study Groups to practice charting with others, access to Jensen books no longer in print, early access to sign up for Charting Retreats, and more . . . 

Internet Dive

Our favorite great resources for Inductive Bible Study on the web

We admit we don’t have it all! The internet is full of great resources on the inductive method of Bible study. Take some time to discover what’s there by checking out our Internet Dive into the world of inductive Bible study.

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