Whether you're new to Bible study or well-versed in the inductive method, you'll satisfy a deep thirst in your soul when you learn how to chart your Bible study using inductive tools!
get to know us
DR. IRVING L. JENSEN, B.A., S.T.D., Th.D. (1920-1996), shown here in the 1980s with daughter Karen at a Moody Press author event, was a graduate of Wagner College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), The Biblical Seminary in New York, and Northwestern Theological Seminary. He served 30 years as a Bible professor at Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee. In addition to teaching the Bible and serving many years as part-time pastor of Sale Creek Presbyterian Church in Sale Creek, Tennessee, he wrote numerous study books geared to an inductive approach to Scripture.
Independent Bible Study (now entitled Chart Your Bible Study) was his first book, published in 1962 by Moody Press, now known as Moody Publishers, Chicago, IL.
get to know us
I am the middle child of my father, Irving L. Jensen, and mother, Charlotte. I learned the unique charting method described in his Chart Your Bible Study book while in his Bible class at Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee. I graduated from Bryan in 1978 with a B.A. in Christian Education. My husband, Steve, and I live in the small town of Maysville (metro Atlanta), Georgia. The older I get, the more I realize the importance of digging deep into God’s Word, where I learn more about abiding in Him. It's more about HIM--not about me!
Dad was the AUTHOR & TEACHER. I consider myself an ENCOURAGER of others to dive into Scripture using inductive tools . . . and specifically, to encourage others to chart their Bible studies!